Aerosol Fire Extinguishing: Advantages, Application, Operation

Principle of operation

The principle of aerosol fire extinguishing is based upon the process of suspending chemical chain reaction of oxidation in the burning flame.

The main element of the aerosol fire extinguisher is a solid aerosol compound which is enclosed in a metal case, equipped with a cooling system and triggering unit.

As a result of the combustion of the aerosol forming compound initiated by a pyrotechnic impulse from the aerosol fire extinguisher activation starter, the fire extinguishing aerosol cloud is formed, which fills the volume and extinguishes the fire. Aerosol mainly consist of particles of alkali metal salt which ties free radicals of combusting materials thereby preventing their following oxidation, i.e. making burning impossible. This result in quick elimination of fire and reduce of the temperature of combusting materials. Once an indoor area reaches the necessary concentration of fire extinguishing aerosol, the heat decreases rapidly and there is a gradual decrease in temperature of the gaseous medium and the burning ceases. Aerosol particles formed during the extinguisher operation, due to their small size (5-10 µm), remain suspended in the air for 30-40 minutes, thereby preventing repeated inflammation.

Advantages of Aerosol Fire-Extinguishing

  • High efficiency. According to studies, solid aerosol forming compounds (EPA) have the highest fire-extinguishing capability, as compared to other means of volumetric extinguishing.
  • Versatility. Can be used where it is impossible to use alternative methods of extinguishing volume areas, for example, to protect unheated rooms, energized electrical equipment, etc.
  • Low cost and easy to install. Low cost, compared to other types of fire extinguishing systems. Does not require the installation of expensive pumps, pipelines, pressurized barrels, valves, additional equipment and supply of communications.
  • Require no further maintenance. Aerosol fire extinguisher does not need regular inspections or recharging and always ready to operate.
  • Does not harm the protected object. Aerosol does not inflict damage onto the area nor the valuable contents of the room. The powder aerosol can be easily removed from the surface.
  • Safe and environmentally friendly. Does not harm the ozone layer, possesses no threat to human or animals, contains no poisons, pressurized elements, explosion- and contamination-safe. 

Aerosol Fire-Extinguishing Generators can be used in the following cases:

  • Oil & Gas: oil and gas storage and refineries;
  • Industrial: office buildings, warehouses, workshops, storage facilities, offices, laboratories, etc.;
  • Electrical: premises containing electric circuits and devices, cable tunnels, transformers, switches, relays, and other facilities with low and high-voltage electric equipment up to 40kV!;
  • Electronics: computer cabinets, server rooms, data centers, electronic equipment;
  • Public: airports, hotels, shopping malls, museums, libraries, cinemas, theaters, underground parking areas, metro stations, railway stations;
  • Private: apartments, houses, cottages, temporary living quarters of the module type (trailers, vans), garages;
  • Vehicles: engine and interior compartments of cars, vans, buses, trams and trolleys, trains, metro trains, commuters, boats, luxury yachts, cruise vessels, marine and river transport, aircraft, helicopters;
  • Military: wide range of MAV, HMMWV, special purpose vehicles, marine, aircraft.